About Pennsylvania Narcotic Officers' Association

There are approximately 24,000 law enforcement officers in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. All of them to one degree or another are engaged in the fight to deter drug trafficking within Pennsylvania. Approximately, 9,460 are engaged everyday in this war. Unfortunately, some of them have, and others will pay the ultimate price for their dedication and commitment. The PNOA is dedicated to all of our men and women engaged in this ongoing conflict.

The PNOA was established in 1990. It's primary objectives are:

  •     To develop and foster a special kinship amongst the Commonwealth's law enforcement officers; PNOA Web Site Link
  •     To provide opportunities for the enhancement of technical and professional skills related to drug law enforcement;
  •     To maintain a public awareness of the dangers of drug abuse and to foster the development and implementation of demand reduction programs; and
  •     Possibly in the future, represent the health and welfare interests of the membership before legislative and other civic bodies.